Living at the edge of sin

By Nick Bible

Genesis 19

“Then the angels hastened Lot” (Gen 19:15)

Satan always tempts us to come to the edge of the cliff. The flower at the edge of the cliff always looks beautiful. He shows the glories and the splendor of this world. The vines of Sodom and the fields of Gomorrah looks pleasing to the eye and Lot was deceived by the looks of the sweetness of sin as he walked by sight not by faith, the sweetness of sin is going to be a cup of damnation as God poured out his wrath on Sodom and Gomorrah.

Now Lot was an old man influenced by worldliness. Before he pitched his tent towards Sodom, and now he is settled down in Sodom. Angels hastened Lot as the Lord is going to pour out his wrath, but Lot was slow to act as he and his family are comfortable in the city of Sodom, they don’t take the warning seriously. When God commanded Lot to hurry but how difficult to say goodbye to the sin city. There is a danger of loitering in Sin city.

Angels hastened Lot but they were taking it easy. Lot went to Sodom for the sake of comfort. But how difficult it is to leave these earthly comforts. Maybe he built a nice home there and invested his labor, now he has to leave. Why did Lot’s wife look back when Angels commanded not to look back? Because it is very difficult for the carnal/sinful person to leave the world as they have laid their treasures upon this world.

There are many who are called Christians but lingering and they indulge in some darling secret sin. That which is shameful but they do it in secret. Dear friends give up these sins and trust in Christ to be saved from these sins and from the wrath of God.  

Now to those who are strong in the Lord, we need to help the weak and the backsliders.

Lot was weak in the flesh as Sodom was a bad influence. When we see the weak we need to hasten them to the obedience of the Lord and tell them to come out from the world. Many have settled down in Sodom of sin. Many will listen to the warning but will not get out of Sodom of sin. Whether they believe or not we need to hasten them. There is a sin of loitering. There was this unbelieving father who told his son, “You should first get a good job then think of Christianity.” The Son replied, “Father, Jesus Christ told me differently, he says, SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD.”

Time is short. Young people do not believe this, but you, those who have reached thirty or forty, know it. You know how the days, the weeks, months and years fly so quickly before you know it is another new year. Why do you linger when time flies?  If Lot had not escaped, he would have perished with the men of Sodom.

Abraham had prayed for Sodom, and, of course, especially for Lot; and therefore God’s messenger must go to bring Lot out of the doomed city. At this moment, while I am speaking, maybe your friends and relatives are praying for you, like Abraham did for Lot.  If God is going to bring destruction to your town or city will you not go hasten those who are in that city?

There is nothing impossible  with God. The arm of grace is very long, and God
can reach those who are at the very bottom of sin. Yes, let us pray for those who are lost, let us hope that God would save them, let us go and reach out to them and hasten and warn them to flee the wrath of God, yes beloved let us do it.