Did Adam’s Sin deserve an eternal punishment?

By Nick Bible

Genesis 2:15-17 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

Why is it that just eating the forbidden fruit deserve an eternal punishment?   Many doesn’t even think of this and even teachers and pastors will not expose why? Doesn’t it sounds like you are telling your child, I have made some cookies but I don’t want you to eat until this evening but your child goes and takes one and eat anyway.  In the same way Adam was forbidden to eat from the tree of knowledge, if he ate, comes death, why death and eternal punishment.

I will expose now.

God is eternal.

If someone sinned against a beggar on the street by stealing some of his money from the can,  no one will even noticed and you may not even go to jail, however if you pickpocket the wallet of the president of the United States, that will be all over the news in seconds, and once you get caught you will have to pay a severe punishment.

So what is the difference between the beggar on the street and the president of the U.S? The difference is not of nature but of authority. The greater the authority the greater the punishment when you sin. How about God Almighty? He is the Creator God and the Author of life, He is the Law Giver and the Eternal God, sin against God requires an eternal punishment because the sin is against an Eternal God.

God gave Adam a commandment, breaking a commandment of God is coming against His authority, doubting His authority and breaking the commandment means having no respect for God.  Adam and Eve listened to Satan and obeyed Satan, and this is deserves an eternal punishment.

I Samuel 2:25 If someone sins against a man, God will mediate for him, but if someone sins against the Lord, who can intercede for him?

If God was less holy then the punishment would be less, if God was not holy then there would be no punishment, but if God is eternally holy then the punishment would be eternal as God is called Holy, Holy, Holy, He is the eternally holy God.