Apostle Peter

According to one account by Hegesippus,when persecution broke out in AD 64 under Nero, Peter was back in Rome. By this time he had preached the gospel far and wide in such place as Britain and Gaul (France), but then he returned to Rome. As the leader of the Christian community that did not worship the Emperor, who thought himself to be God, Peter was arrested by Nero and thrown into the Mamertine dungeon for nine months. Prior to being arrested, Peter had a chance to flee the city,as many Christians wanted him to do. At last he was persuaded and made preparations to leave. But arriving at the gate, Peter saw the Lord Jesus coming to meet him, to whom he, worshipping said,Lord, whither dost Thou go And Jesus answered, and said, I am come again to be crucified. By this, Peter, perceiving his own sufferings were in view, returned into the city. Jerome said that Peter was crucified on an x-shaped cross, his head being down and his feet upward, by his own request, because he told his tormentors that he was not worthy to be crucified after the same form and die in the same manner as the Lord Jesus Christ

James the son of Zebedee

The Bible tells us plainly that James gave his neck meekly to the sword of the lictor at the command of a mad ruler. He was beheaded at Jerusalem Eusebius, the early Church historian records that the Roman guard who led James to the judgment seat saw him bearing his Christian testimony well in the hour of personal pain and imminent death. Arriving at the place of execution the guard suddenly declared his own faith in Christ to the judge and begged James to forgive him. And he, after considering a little said, Peace be with thee, and kissed him. And thus they were both beheaded at the same time.