Meditations of God's Amazing Power

Psalm 19
The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.

Coconut tree

I was taking my dog for a walk when I came across a coconut tree. What really struck me were the root filters as this particular tree was exposed at the bottom so you can see thousands of filters. The coconut tree has a fibrous root system, as there are around 3600 roots or more in a 70  year old tree. 

Now the most amazing thing is these fibrous roots sucks the moisture, water, minerals from the soil and transported high up and filtered inside the coconut, the tree is about 100 feet tall.

coconut tree

One tree can produce around 75 coconuts per year. On top of the tree you will find the coconuts, the coconut shell is very hard and it's protected with a husk, inside the coconut shell the delicious refreshing water is stored.
Coconut water is packed with nutrients. only God who is exreamely Intelligent  can create something so delicious and nutritious out of the dirt ground.  We can see God's amazing power in simple things, day to day life that we overlook, doesn't even bother to take some time to meditate about it, once we see the power of God, the first thing we do is to praise the Almighty!