Persecution was directed upon Jewish speaking Christians in the circle of Stephen. That’s why the apostles were able to stay in Jerusalem. It was the Greek speaking Jewish Christians, they were the object of the persecution.  Helps to understand Philip, not Philip the apostle but Philip one of the seven deacons, left Judea and made his way to Samaria. Acts 11:19, out break of the persecution brought the missionary outreach.


Philip v 5, one of the seven, Philip the deacon Acts 6


Two fold ministry, preaching and working miracles. None apostle gifted with miracles. Philip continuing the ministry of Jesus. V-6-7 Most Samaritans are taken captive more on the preaching than healing but it was Simeon the magician who was taken captive by the miracles. Gospel is the supreme power, miracles supported that.


Simeon Magus is identified as a proud person. He boasted that someone great. If you are proud and you crave for power. This power will bring people under your control. How did Simeon display his power? Through sorcery. V9-10


Simeon Megus, vulgate  V 11, mageas GK

Simeon v13, astonished by the great signs and miracles. The sin of Simeon was he wanted the power of the Holy Spirit so he can continue in his magical work among the Samaritans.  V 18-19  He offered them money.

White magic and black magic combined. Source of the word simony, medi evil church practice of selling and buying eccesiatical services.  Purchase a spiritual office through money came from Simeon which is called simony.

Simeon Peter over Simeon Magus.  V14-17

  1. Samaritans become Christians when they receive the Holy Spirit. They already believed and baptized in water but only now they received the Holy Spirit and that makes them Christians.  They are not re-baptized.  Chapt 30 para 7 westminister.  Water baptism happens before the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is a logical connection, in Acts 10 spirit falls then the water baptism, here the order is reversed.  Acts 2, conversion of the 3000 would be the normative.
  2. The presence of the apostles is crucial for this event. Apostolic works and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Peter and John evangelize many Samaritan villages Acts 8:25 c/f Acts 1:8; John 4:34-38 John the Baptist planted the seed as he preached in Samaria, the apostolic ministry of John and Peter builds upon that of John the Baptist and gathers a harverst.


Simeon Peter and Simeon Magus.


  1. Peter utters a stern word of judgment together with a word of grace. The very word of judgment is a word of grace. Motive of Peter is to stir Simeon Magus heart into repentance. Just like John the Baptist said, you brood of vipers…. Luke correctly says he evangelized them. If you are in a building and someone cried there is a fire and get out, he may be very harsh but that is the best news you can hear. 8:20-21 You cannot buy the gift of the Holy Spirit as it is priceless. There is a severe word of judgment, see verse 13. Simeon himself believed and baptized. Simeon became a true believer, he tasted the grace of God and there is a judgment. V 22, Peter is not saying God had already judged Simeon. It is God who forgives him, Peter telling him to repent.
  2. Did Simeon repent, we are not told, did he become a true believer we are not told. Post New Testament references.


In every revival there is an imposter like Simeon Magus. Simon Magus believed because of the signs and wonders of the apostles. He wanted a fleshly gain, he wanted to buy the Holy Spirit with money so he can continue his power and pride.


when the church

had all things in common, and was in her first love, yet we read of Ananias

and Sapphira who hypocritically pretended to have given their substance,

when they had kept back much of it, and upon them the stern voice of

Peter pronounced sentence of immediate death. So early were the liar and

the hypocrite found within the gates of Zion. Look again at the church in Samaria. The

preaching of Philip had stirred the city, and a pretender to magic who had

deluded the people, professed to become himself a believer. He believed, it

is said, and was baptized; but his heart was not right in the sight of God:

his faith was not the faith of God’s elect.

Holy Spirit cannot be  purchased with money or ceremonies, it is a gift of God by Jesus Christ. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. Judas had — he might even be received into the church as a believer, as was Simon Magus


Medieval Church Corruption

Simony was the practice of selling ecclesiastical offices. Unqualified men purchased church offices. Also Simony is the buying or selling of spiritual things.  Simony was rampant from the 9th to the 11th century. During that period simony pervaded church life on every level, from the lower clergy to the papacy. At the time of the Reformation, major abuses centered on the sale of indulgences and relics.