Boldness of Peter


Jewish authorities guilty. Satan is mad. Wants to stop the mouths of the Christians by witnessing of the Name is Jesus. Apostles ask divine power.
Peter and John uneducated - trusting on seminaries, Bible colleges. Holy Spirit gave them boldness and wisdom and knowledge. Greatest miracle what happened was that God became man, death and resurrection. Peter and John saw it. The greatest miracle that happens today is a new life.


Acts 4:1-18


Servants of God conflict against Satan’s Agents


V1) Great miracle at the temple gates, in the midst of thousands of people.  As Peter and John were preaching to the great crowds, the authorities came in.


V2) Why were the authorities greatly disturbed? Because they were guilty,  They sentenced Jesus to death. They joined the mocking of Jesus. (Mat 27:40-43)  They secured the tomb with great stone and a guard. Guard is 4 Roman who are relieved every 3 hours. Made sure Jesus will not rise as he predicted.


Yet, the all the powers of darkness couldn’t prevent his resurrection, Jesus our Master rose from the dead victoriously. Now this miracle happened and it made it even worse, they are mad and guilty.  Sadducees doesn’t believe in any resurrection.


V3) Arrested for preaching in Jesus name.


V4) Before 3,000 were saved, now another 5,000 believed. Total 8,000


V5-6)  The miracle cannot be denied as there were thousands of witnesses.


V8) The answer of Peter, was bold, filled with the power of the Spirit, the answer was direct not cutting any edges, not sugar coating the gospel, the answer was directed like an arrow strait to their hearts.

You crucified Jesus, but God raised him up. Quoting Ps 118:22


V12) Peter goes beyond saying not only the crippled man was healed in Jesus name but Salvation can be found in no other, not anyone under heaven, but only in Jesus name.




A marvelous good thing happened, a man crippled was healed, however the enemies of the gospel, the priests and the authorities got ticked off. Satan and his agents will come against the true servants of God. Battle between God’s kingdom and Satan’s kingdom will continue.