Christ's Love for us

by Thomas Brooks

    Let us stand still, and admire and wonder at the love of Jesus Christ to poor
    sinners; that Christ should rather die for us, than for the angels. They were
    creatures of a more noble extract, and in all probability might have brought
    greater revenues of glory to God: yet that Christ should pass by those golden
    vessels, and make us vessels of glory, Oh, what amazing and astonishing love is
    this! This is the envy of devils. and the admiration of angels and saints.

    The apostle, being in a holy admiration of Christ's love, affirms it to pass
    knowledge, Eph. iii. 18, 19; that God, who is the eternal Being, should love man
    when he had scarce a being, Prov. viii. 30, 31, that he should be enamored with
    deformity, that he should love us when in our blood, Ezek. xvi., that he should
    pity us when no eye pitied us, no, not our own. Oh, such was Christ's
    transcendent love, that man's extreme misery could not abate it. The
    deploredness of man's condition did but heighten the holy flame of Christ's love.
    It is as high as heaven, who can reach it? It is as low as hell, who can understand
    it? Heaven, through its glory, could not contain him, man being miserable, nor
    hell's torments make him refrain, such was his perfect matchless love to fallen
    man. That Christ's love should extend to the ungodly, to sinners, to enemies that
    were in arms of rebellion against him, Rom. v. 6, 8, 10; yes, not only so, but that
    he should hug them in his arms, lodge them in his bosom, dandle them upon his
    knees, and lay them to his breasts, that they may suck and be satisfied, is the
    highest improvement of love, Isa lxvi. 11-13.

    That Christ should come from the eternal bosom of his Father, to a region of
    sorrow and death, John i. 18; that God should be manifested in the flesh, the
    Creator made a creature, Isa. liii. 4; that he that was clothed with glory, should
    be wrapped with rags of flesh, 1 Tim. iii. 16; that he that filled heaven, should be
    cradled in a manger, John xvii. 5; that the God of Israel should fly into Egypt,
    Mat. ii. 14; that the God of strength should be weary; that the judge of all flesh
    should be condemned; that the God of life should be put to death, John xix. 41;
    that he that is one with his Father, should cry out of misery, 'O my Father, if it be
    possible, let this cup pass from me!' Mat. xxvi. 39: that he that had the keys of
    hell and death, Rev. i. 18, should lie imprisoned in the sepulcher of another,
    having, in his lifetime, nowhere to lay his head; nor after death, to lay his body,
    John xix. 41, 42; and all this for man, for fallen man, for miserable man, for
    worthless man, is beyond the thoughts of created natures. The sharp, the
    universal and continual sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ, from the cradle to the
    cross, does above all other things speak out the transcendent love of Jesus Christ
    to poor sinners. That wrath, that great wrath, that fierce wrath, that pure wrath,
    that infinite wrath, that matchless wrath of an angry God, that was so terribly
    impressed upon the soul of Christ, quickly spent his natural strength, and turned
    his moisture into the drought of summer, Ps. xxxii. 4; and yet all this wrath he
    patiently underwent, that sinners might be saved, and that 'he might bring many
    sons unto glory,' Heb. ii. 10.

    Oh, wonder of love! Love enables Jesus to suffer. It was love that made our
    dear Lord Jesus lay down his life, to save us from hell and to bring us to heaven.
    As the pelican, out of her love to her young ones, when they are bitten with
    serpents, feeds them with her own blood to recover them again; so when we were
    bitten by the old serpent, and our wound incurable, and we in danger of eternal
    death, then did our dear Lord Jesus, that he might recover us and heal us, feed us
    with his own blood, Gen. iii. 15; John vi. 53-56. Oh love unspeakable! This made
    [Bernard] cry out, 'Lord, you have loved me more than yourself; for you have laid
    down your life for me.'

    It was only the golden link of love that fastened Christ to the cross, John x. 17,
    and that made him die freely for us, and that made him willing 'to be numbered
    among transgressors,' Isa. liii. 12, that we might be numbered among [the]
    'general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven,' Heb.
    xii. 23.

    Christ's love is like his name, and that is Wonderful, Isa. ix. 6; yes, it is so
    wonderful, that it is above all creatures, beyond all measure, contrary to all nature.
    It is above all creatures, for it is above the angels, and therefore above all
    others. It is beyond all measure, for time did not begin it, and time shall never
    end it; place does not bound it, sin does not exceed it, no estate, no age, no sex
    is denied it, tongues cannot express it, understandings cannot conceive it: and it
    is contrary to all nature; for what nature can love where it is hated? What nature
    can forgive where it is provoked? What nature can offer reconciliation where it
    receives wrong? What nature can heap up kindness upon contempt, favor upon
    ingratitude, mercy upon sin? And yet Christ's love has led him to all this; so that
    well may we spend all our days in admiring and adoring of this wonderful love,
    and be always ravished with the thoughts of it.

Love the Lord Jesus Christ!  Thomas Brooks
    See that you love the Lord Jesus Christ with a superlative love, with an
    overtopping love. There are none have suffered so much for you as Christ; there
    are none that can suffer so much for you as Christ. The least measure of that
    wrath that Christ has sustained for you, would have broke the hearts, necks, and
    backs of all created beings.

    O my friends! There is no love but a superlative love that is any ways suitable to
    the transcendent sufferings of dear Jesus. Oh, love him above your lusts, love him
    above your relations, love him above the world, love him above all your outward
    contentments and enjoyments; yes, love him above your very lives; for thus the
    patriarchs, prophets, apostles, saints, primitive Christians, and the martyrs of old,
    have loved our Lord Jesus Christ with an overtopping love: Rev. xii. 11, 'They
    loved not their lives unto the death;' that is, they slighted, contemned, yes,
    despised their lives, exposing them to hazard and loss, out of love to the Lamb,
    'who had washed them in his blood.' I have read of one Kilian, a Dutch
    schoolmaster, who being asked whether he did not love his wife and children,
    answered, Were all the world a lump of gold, and in my hands to dispose of, I
    would leave it at my enemies feet to live with them in a prison; but my soul and
    my Savior are dearer to me than all. If my father, says Jerome, should stand
    before me, and my mother hang upon, and my brethren should press about me, I
    would break through my brethren, throw down my father, and tread underfoot my
    mother, to cleave to Jesus Christ.

    Had I ten heads, said Henry Voes, they should all be cut off for Christ. If every hair of
    my head, said John Ardley, martyr, were a man, they should all suffer for the faith
    of Christ. Let fire, racks, pulleys, said Ignatius, and all the torments of hell come
    upon me, so I may win Christ. Love made Jerome to say, O my Savior, did you
    die for love of me?-a love sadder than death; but to me a death more lovely than
    love itself. I cannot live, love you, and be longer from you. George Carpenter,
    being asked whether he did not love his wife and children, which stood weeping
    before him, answered, My wife and children!- my wife and children! are dearer to
    me than all Bavaria; yet, for the love of Christ, I know them not. That blessed
    virgin in Basil being condemned for Christianity to the fire, and having her estate
    and life offered her if she would worship idols, cried out, 'Let money perish, and
    life vanish, Christ is better than all.' Sufferings for Christ are the saints' greatest
    glory; they are those things wherein they have most gloried
    Your cruelty is our glory, says Tertullian. It is reported of Babylas,
    that when he was to die for Christ, he desired this favor, that his chains might
    be buried with him, as the ensigns of his honor. Thus you see with what a
    superlative love, with what an overtopping love, former saints have loved our Lord
    Jesus; and can you, Christians, who are cold and low in your love to Christ, read
    over these instances, and not blush?

    Certainly the more Christ has suffered for us, the more dear Christ should be
    unto us; the more bitter his sufferings have been for us, the more sweet his love
    should be to us, and the more eminent should be our love to him. Oh, let a
    suffering Christ lie nearest your hearts; let him be your manna, your tree of life,
    your morning star. It is better to part with all than with this pearl of price. Christ
    is that golden pipe through which the golden oil of salvation runs; and oh. how
    should this inflame our love to Christ! Oh that our hearts were more affected with
    the sufferings of Christ! Who can tread upon these hot coals, and his heart not
    burn in love to Christ, and cry out with Ignatius, Christ my love is crucified? Cant.
    viii. 7,8. If a friend should die for us, how would our hearts be affected with his
    kindness! and shall the God of glory lay down his life for us, and shall we not be
    affected with his goodness i John x. 17, 18. Shall Saul be affected with David's
    kindness in sparing his life, 1 Sam. xxiv. 16, and shall not we be affected with
    Christ's kindness, who, to save our life, lost his own? Oh, the infinite love of
    Christ, that he should leave his Father's bosom, John i. 18, and come down from
    heaven, that he might carry you up to heaven, John xiv. 1-4; that he that was a
    Son should take upon him the form of a servant, Phil. ii. 5-8; that you of slaves
    should be made sons, of enemies should be made friends, of heirs of wrath
    should be made heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, Rom. viii. 17; that to
    save us from everlasting ruin, Christ should stick at nothing, but be willing to be
    made flesh, to lie in a manger, to be tempted, deserted, persecuted, and to die
    upon a cross!

    Oh, what flames of love should these things kindle in all our hearts to Christ!
    Love is compared to fire; in heaping love upon our enemy, we heap coals of fire
    upon his head, Rom. xii. 19, 20; Prov. xxvi. 21. Now the property of fire is to turn
    all it meets with into its own nature: fire makes all things fire; the coal makes
    burning coals; and is it not a wonder then that Christ, having heaped abundance
    of the fiery coals of his love upon our heads, we should yet be as cold as corpses
    in our love to him. Ah! what sad metal are we made of, that Christ's fiery love
    cannot inflame our love to Christ! Moses wondered why the bush consumed not,
    when he sees it all on fire, Exod. iii. 3; but if you please but to look into your own
    hearts, you shall see a greater wonder; for you shall see that, though you walk
    like those three children in the fiery furnace, Dan. iii., even in the midst of
    Christ's fiery love flaming round about you; yet there is but little, very little, true
    smell of that sweet fire of love to be felt or found upon you or in you. Oh, when
    shall the sufferings of a dear and tender-hearted Savior kindle such a flame of
    love in all our hearts, as shall still be a-breaking forth in our lips and lives, in our
    words and ways, to the praise and glory of free grace? Oh that the sufferings of a
    loving Jesus might at last make us all sick of love! Cant. ii. v. Oh let him forever
    lie between our breasts, Cant. i. 13, who has left his Father's bosom for a time,
    that he might be embosomed by us forever.